Revisions are listed from most current to oldest.

Previous Builds
When downloading and installing a previous version of the software, first choose "Remove" from the Crimson® 2.1 Setup Maintenance program menu to uninstall any newer version of the software that may already be on your computer, then run the Setup program again to install the older version of the software.

Build (05/20/19) download

Fixes and Updates:
Add Remote Setpoint Selection User Inputs 1 & 2 for PXU


Build (08/23/18) download

Fixes and Updates:
Fixed bug where PXU Low and High Temperature Limits appear to not be saved to the database
Fixed PAX2C bug where Deviation and Band alarms did not follow the set point


Build (06/08/18) download

Fixes and Updates:
Added support for PXU v1.51 firmware


Build (03/07/18) download

Initial launch